Campaign News

PRESS RELEASE - Governor Little Declines Idaho Public Television & KTVB Debates

Brad Little refused the invitations to debate and give the people of Idaho a chance to see their candidates together and hear their responses in a debate format. Official Statement from Ammon Bundy

Sep 20, 2022
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SEPTEMBER 20, 2022

Official Statement from Ammon Bundy 

Two gubernatorial debates were being planned in Idaho, one by KTVB and one by Idaho Public Television.  Brad Little, Stephen Heidt, and I were invited to debate in both of these. I was looking forward to the opportunity to provide more information to Idaho voters in these debates.  However, I was recently informed that Brad Little refused the invitations to debate and give the people of Idaho a chance to see their candidates together and hear their responses in a debate format.  Though Brad Little declined, I was still willing to debate the  Democrat Candidate, but Stephen Heidt has also declined. 

According to a statewide poll, 88% of Idahoans believe this is either a very important or the most important election in Idaho history and now we face the reality of having no gubernatorial debates in either the Primary or General elections. There is only one primary reason that Brad Little would decline debating in front of the people of Idaho…he does not want his actions to be exposed; actions that most Idahoans would not condone if they understood the path he is leading Idaho down.  Sunlight is always the best disinfectant.  Refusing to debate in a gubernatorial race is a significant disservice to the wonderful people of this great state.

Ammon Bundy 

Candidate for Governor of Idaho