Campaign News

Splitting the Vote Narrative is Laughable! - See the Numbers

No matter how you do the math this race is between Brad Little and Ammon Bundy and I have laid it out there in full display what I plan on doing to Keep Idaho IDAHO!

Nov 7, 2022
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I'm sure you have heard the "splitting the vote" narrative out there. It is Brad Little's last hope in getting Idaho conservatives to vote for him. But Idahoans shouldn't fall for this false narrative any longer. In fact it is laughable! Here are the numbers to prove that the Democrat nominee has absolutely no chance of winning no matter how the vote is split between Little and I. 

The Democrat party knows that their nominee does not have any chance, so they have not supported him at all. The Democrat nominee has only had 132 contributions to his campaign, totaling less than $10,000 in donations. He has put in $14,000 of his own money just to keep the campaign alive. No one knows his name, no one has seen a sign from him, or any campaign ads. He simply is a non-issue in this election. 

To further refute the establishment's fear tactic of splitting the vote and getting a Democrat in, here are the actual numbers of registered voters in Idaho. When you do the math there is simply no possible way the Dems can win a state-wide election in Idaho this year. See for yourself...

Idaho Registered Voters

Registered Republicans: 588,461
Registered Democrats: 132,389
Registered Unaffiliated: 296,052
Registered Constitutional/Libertarian: 15,464

So do the math. Even if half of the unaffiliated voters cast their vote for the Democrat (which will just not happen) and ALL the Democrat voters voted for him (which will just not happen either) the Democrat nominee still does not come close to getting enough votes to win. 

Now, break it down between Little and I. Take out the Democrat voters and take out half of the unaffiliated voters from the total registered voters and you end up with 73% of the voters either for Little or for me. In order to split the vote, and allow the Democrat to get in, the conservative voting pool would need to be below 66%. It's not even close - it's at 73%. It is laughable to think that the Idaho Establishment is still using the "split the vote" narrative and that some Idahoans are still falling for it. 

No matter how you do the math, this race is between Brad Little and Ammon Bundy and I have laid it out there in full display of what I plan on doing to Keep Idaho IDAHO!


Ammon Bundy 

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