Campaign News

Are You Mostly Conservative or Republican?

Idaho is facing an identity crisis; are we CONSERVATIVE or are we REPUBLICAN? Being republican is not the same as being conservative and unfortunately, because of people like Speaker of the House, Scott Bedke and Governor Brad Little, the Idaho government is becoming a perverted version of the Republican party.

Oct 15, 2021
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When I tell people that Idaho was the first State in the United States to arrest someone for holding church, it makes them think about what is really happening to Idaho. Then, I tell them how the Idaho State Police (ISP) is one of the first policing agencies in the country to raid a business for not complying to a governor's lock-down orders. Finally, I show them that Governor Brad Little has received $18 billion (yes, that's a B) from the federal government for "COVID relief". Hearing these facts helps Idahoans understand the imminent problems we are experiencing here in our beautiful State. Overall, Idaho is facing an identity crisis; are we CONSERVATIVE or are we REPUBLICAN?

Being republican is not the same as being conservative and unfortunately, because of people like Speaker of the House, Scott Bedke and Governor Brad Little, the Idaho government is becoming a perverted version of the Republican party. This version of republicanism does not care about lowering taxes. It is not concerned about the massive growth and spending of government. It does nothing to stop the destruction of infants in the womb. It is not concerned with government overreach and abuse upon the people. It cares nothing about private property. It's NOT Conservative! However, it is very concerned about protecting it's power and using the offices of the Idaho government to enrich those who subscribe to the party ideology (IACI).

So what will it be? Will Idahoans choose Conservative or Republican? The scary reality is, Oregon once faced this same question. Oregon was once very conservative, then it became republican and finally this same perverted version of republicanism lead Oregon into the cesspool of woke liberalism that is destroying the State today. Idaho is only a few steps behind!

I don't want to lose Idaho! So, I am determined to do all I can to make sure that the people of Idaho have a choice between conservatism or perverted establishment republicanism. If the people choose conservative then as Governor of Idaho I will do all within my power to protect and preserve the values that built Idaho and the United States into the bastion of freedom it once was.

Ammon Bundy

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